Tuesday 10 May 2016

al-'Aleem (the All-Knowing) / al-Khabir (the All-Aware)

al-'Aleem (the All-Knowing)
al-Khabir (the All-Aware)

He is the one whose knowledge encompasses all the outward and inward matters, the open and secret, all those things that must neccessarily occur, all those things that are impossible to occur and all those things that can possibly occur. He knows the affairs of the whole of creation, of the past, the present, and the future. There is absolutely nothing hidden from Him. 
"Verily Allah [alone] has the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow and no soul knows in what land it will die. Indeed Allah is Alim, Khabir." [Luqman (31): 34] 
"O Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female and make you into nations and tribes that you may know each oither. Verily, the most noble of you in the SIght of Allah is the most pious and God-Fearing of you. Indeed Allah is 'Aleem, Khabir." [al-Hujarat(49): 13]

al-Muqit (The Powerful)

al-Muqit (The Powerful)
The one who provides everything that is in existence with what would strengthen it, who provides it its nourishment and directs it howsoever He wills in accordance to His wisdom and praise.
"Whosoever intercedes for a good cause will have the reward thereof, and whosoever intercedes for an evil cause shall have a share in its burden. Allah is Muqit over everything." [an-Nisa' (4): 85]

al-Qahhar (The Subduer) / al-Qahir (The Irresistible)

al-Qahhar (The Subduer)
al-Qahir (The Irresistible)

The one who has subdued everything. The one before whom the whole creation has humbled itself, and submitted before His grandeur, power and perfect strength.
"So think not that Allah will fail to keep His promise to His Messenger. Certainly! Allah is Almighty, Owner of Retribution. On the Day when the earth will be changed to another earth and so will the heavens, and they [all creatures] will appear before Allah, the One, al-Qahhar." [Ibrahim (14): 47-48]
"And He is al-Qahir, above His servants. He sends guardians [writing all of your deeds] over you, until when death approaches one of you, Our Messengers take his soul and they never neglect their duty." [al-An'am (6): 61]

al-Muhit (The Encompassing)

al-Muhit (The Encompassing)
The one who has knowledge of everything, has power over everything, hsi mercy encompasses everything and He is dominant over everything.
"If good befalls you it grieves them, but if some evil overtakes you they rejoice at it. But if you remain patient and become of the God-fearing, not the least harm will their cunning do to you. Allah is Muhit of what they do." [Ali 'Imran (3): 120]
"And be not like those who come out of their homes boastfully to be seen of men, and hinder from the Path of Allah. Allah is Muhit of all that they do." [al-Anfal (8): 47]

al-Haafiz (The Guardian) / al-Hafiz (The Guardian)

al-Haafiz (The Guardian)
al-Hafiz (The Guardian)

The one who protects and preserves what He created and whose knowledge encompasses all that He brought into existence. The one who protects His friends from falling into sins and the destructive matters. The one who accounts the actions of the servants and their rewards.
"He said, 'How will my trusting him to your care be different from entrusting his brother before?' However Allah is the best Haafiz." [Yusuf (12): 64]
"And Iblis did not prove true his thought about them, and they followed him, all except a group of the true believers. For Iblis had no authority over them - except that We might test him who believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt about it. And your Lord is Hafiz over everything." [Saba' (34): 20-21]

ar-Raqib (the All-Watcher)

ar-Raqib (the All-Watcher)
The one who sees what is hidden in the hearts, the one who charges every soul for what it earned, the one who preserves all that is in creation and regulates them with the best of organisation and the most complete and perfect planning.
"O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord Who created you from a single person, and from Him He created His wife, and from them both He created many men and women. Fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights, and [do not cut the relations of] the womb [kinship]. Surely Allah is Raqib over you." [an-Nisa (4): 1]

al-Hasib (the Reckoner)

al-Hasib (the Reckoner)
The one who is All-Knowing of His servants and sufficient for those who put their trust in Him. The one who recompenses his servants with either good or bad based upon His wisdom and knowledge of the finest details of their actions.
"When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it or at least return it equally. Allah is Hasib of all things."
[an-Nisa (4): 86]
"Those who convey the Message of Allah and fear Him and none save Him, sufficient is Allah as Hasib." [al-Ahzab (33): 39]

al-Latif (the Most Subtle, the Kind)

al-Latif (the Most Subtle, the Kind)
The one whose knowledge encompasses all the secret and hidden matters, the one who is aware of all that is hidden [in the deepest depths of the heavens and the earth] and is awake of everything down to the most minute and finest detail. The one who is kind to his believing servants, guiding them to that which would benefit them and aid them via means that they are not aware, this is by his kindness and beneficence. It also carries the meaning of al-Khabir and ar-Ra'uf.
"No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He al-Latif, the All-Aware." [al-An'am (6): 103]
"Do you not see that Allah sends down the water from the sky and then the earth becomes green? Indeed Allah is Latif, the All-Aware." [al-Hajj (22): 63]

al-Qadir (All-Powerful, the Able)

al-Qadir (All-Powerful, the Able)
The one who has complete and perfect power and ability. By His power He brought everything into existence, by it He arranges all the affairs, by it He fashioned and perfected the creation, by it He brings to life and causes to die, by it He will resurrect the servants for their recompense - rewarding the one who did good with His good and the one who worked evil with His Hellfire. The one who, when He wills a thing to be, merely says, "Be! And is it". By His power and ability he turns the hearts and directs them to whatsoever He Wills and Desires.
"For every nation there is a direction which they face, so hasten towards all that is good. Wherever you may be, Allah will bring you together, Allah is Qadir over all things." [al-Baqarah (2): 148]
"[What is the matter with you?] When a single disaster smites you, although you smote (your enemies) with one twice as great, you say, 'From where does this come to us?' Say, 'It is from yourselves [because of your evil deeds].' And Allah is Qadir over all things." [Ali Imran (3): 165]

al-Muhaymin (the Ever-Watching)

al-Muhaymin (the Ever-Watching)
The one who sees all the hidden mattes, all that the hearts concealed, the one whose knowledge encompasses everything.
"He is Allah, other than whom none has the right to be worshipped. The Kind, the Holy, as-Salam, the Giver of Security, the ever-Watcher (al-Muhaymin), the All Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! [High is He] above all that they associate as partners with Him." [al-Hashr(59): 23]

al-Mu'min (The Giver of Security)

al-Mu'min (The Giver of Security)
The one who has praised Himself with perfect Attributes and with the perfection of magnificence and beauty. The one who sent His Messengers and revealed His Books along with signs and clear proofs. The one who testified to the truth of His Messengers by giving them every sign and proof that would ceritfy the truth of what they came with.
"He is Allah, other than whom none has the right to be worshipped. The Kind, the Holy, as-Salam, the Giver of Security (al-Mu'min), the ever-Watcher, the All Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! [High is He] above all that they associate as partners with Him." [al-Hashr(59): 23]

al-Khaliq (the Creator) / al-Bari (the Originator) / al-Musawwir(the Bestower of forms)

al-Khaliq (the Creator)
al-Bari (the Originator)
al-Musawwir(the Bestower of forms)

The one who created all that is in existence and originated it, who made everything correct and in its place in accordance to the dictates of His wisdom, who shaped everything by virtue of His praise and wisdom. He is continuously doing so.
"He is Allah, the Creator (al- Khaliq), the Originator(al- Bari), the Bestower of forms (al- Mussawir). To Him belong the Best Names . All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." [al-Hashr(59): 24]

al-Mutakabbir (the Supreme)

al-Mutakabbir (the Supreme)
The one who is above any evil, defect and deficiency due to His greatness and grandeur.
"He is Allah, other than whom none has the right to be worshipped. The King, the Holy, as-Salam, the Giver of Security, the Ever-Watcher, the All Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme(al Mutakabbir). Glory be to Allah! [High is He] above all that they associate as partners with Him." [al-Hashr(59): 23]

al-Jabbar (the Compeller)

al-Jabbar (the Compeller)
This includes the meaning of al-'Ali and al-A'la, the meaning of al-Qahhar, and the meaning of ar-Ra'uf. The one who kindly treats and cures dejected hearts, the one who strengthens the weak and impotent, the one who protects and shelters those who resort to Him and seek refuge with him
"He is Allah, other than whom none has the right to be worshipped. The King, the Holy, as-Salam, the Giver of Security, the ever-Watcher, the AlMighty, the Compeller (al Jabbar), the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! [High is He] above all that they associate as partners with Him." [al-Hashr(59): 23]

al-Qawi (the Strong) / al-Matin (the Powerful)

al-Qawi (the Strong)
al-Matin (the Powerful)

These fall under the meaning of al-'Aziz.
"Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said, 'our Lord is Allah' - for had it not been that Allah checks one set of people by means of another, monastries, churches, synagogues and mosques, wherein the Name of Allah is mentioned much, would have been pulled down and destroyed. Indeed Allah will help those who help Him and Allah is Qawi, the Almighty." [al Hajj (22): 40]
"Indeed Allah is the Provider, Owner of Strength, al-Matin." [Adh-Dhariyat (51): 57]

al-'Aziz (the Almighty)

al-'Aziz (the Almighty)
The one to whom belongs might and honour in its entirety, the might and honour of strength, of conquest and of prevention. He has prevente dany of His creation from encompassing and grasping Him, He is Omnipotent over everything that is in existence, the whole of creation is subject and indebted to Him, yielding before His greatness.
"[It will be said], 'Seize him and drag him into the midst of the blazing Fire. Then pour over his head the torment of boiling water. Taste you this! Indeed you were [pretending to be] al-'Aziz, the Kind!" [ad-Dukhan (44): 47-49]
"Blessed be He in Whose Hand is the dominion, and He is Able to do all things. Who has created death and life that He may test which of you is best in deed, He is al-'Aziz, the Ever Forgiving." [al-Mulk (67): 1-2]

al-'Ali (the High) / al-A'la (the Most High)

al-'Ali (the High)
al-A'la (the Most High)

To Him belongs highness in all of its aspects, highness ogf His Person, highness of His Attributes and esteem, highness of strength and power. He is the one who has risen over His Throne and the one who has encompassed the dominion. He is the one in whom all the attributes of greatness, grandeur, magnificence and beauty find perfection and fulfilment.
"To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He is al- 'Ali the Exalted." [ash-Shura (42): 4]
"Glorify the name of your Lord, al-A'la." [al-A'la (87): 1]

al-Quddus (the Holy) as-Salam (the Perfect Peace)

al-Quddus (the Holy)
as-Salam (the Perfect Peace)

The one who is far greater and far removed from any imperfection, or that He does not resemble any of His creation. Hence he is far removed from any defect just as He is far removed from anything resembling Him or coming close to resembling Him in any of His Attributes of perfection. "There is nothing like Him" [ash-Shura (42): 11], "There is no one equal to or comparable to Him"[al-Ikhlas (112): 4],  "Do you know of any who is similar to Him?" [Maryam (19): 65], "Then do not set up rivals to Allah." [al Baqarah (2): 22]. Al-Quddus is similar in meaning to as-Salam in that they both negate any form of imperfection while at the same time including unlimited perfection in every way. This is because when deficiency has been removed then all that remains is perfection.
"Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah - the King, al-Quddus, the Almighty, the All-Wise." [al-Jumu'ah (62): 1]
"He is Allah, other than whom none has the right to be worshipped. The Kind, the Holy, as-Salam, the Giver of Security, the ever-Watcher, the All Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! [High is He] above all that they associate as partners with Him." [al-Hashr(59): 23

at-Tawwab (the Oft-Returning)

at-Tawwab (the Oft-Returning)
The one who is continuously turning [in forgiveness] to those who turn to Him [in repentance] and the one who forgives the sins of the penitent. Everyone who turns to Allah sincerely, Allah turns to them by first granting them the ability to repent and to direct their hearts towards Him, then after this He turns to them by accepting their repentance and forgiving them their errors.
"Know they not that Allah accepts the repentance from His slaves and acknowledges their charity, and that Allah is at-Tawwab, Most Merciful?" [at-Tawbah (9): 104]
O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, indeed some suspicion is sin. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it! Fear Allah, indeed Allah is Tawwab, Most Merciful." [al Hujarat (49): 12]

al-'Afuww (the Forgiving) / al-Ghafur(the Ever-Forgiving) / al-Ghaffar (the All-Forgiving)

al-'Afuww (the Forgiving)
al-Ghafur(the Ever-Forgiving)
al-Ghaffar (the All-Forgiving)

The one who was, and is, known with the Attribute of forgiveness. The one who was, and is, described as showing forgiveness and clemency to His servants. Everyone is in dire need of His forgiveness just as they are in dire need of His mercy and kindness. Allah has promised forgiveness to the one who fulfils its conditions, He says,
"And indeed I am Ghaffar to him who repents, believes, does righteous deeds and then remains contant in doing them."[Ta-Ha (20): 82]
"He is al-Ghafur, the Most Merciful." [al-Ahqaf(46): 8]
"Whether you disclose a good deed, or conceal it, or pardon an evil- verily Allah is the 'Afuww, All-Powerful." [an-Nisa (4): 149]

al-Majid (the Glorious) / al-Kabir (the Great) / al-'Azim (the Exalted) / al-Jalil (the Noble)

al-Majid (the Glorious)
al-Kabir (the Great)
al-'Azim (the Exalted)
al-Jalil (the Noble)

He is described with the Attributes of glory, grandeur, greatness and magnificence. He is the One Who is greater, more exalted and magnificent than anything. He is glorified and magnified in the hearts of His friends and close ones, their hearts overflow with His greatness and magnificence, submission to him and humility before his grandeur.
“Owner of the Throne, Al-Majid.” [Al-Buruj 85:15]
“All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, Al-Kabir, the Most High.” [Ar-Ra’d 13:9]
“Then glorify with praises the Names of your Lord, Al-Azim.” [Al-Waqi’ah 56:74]

al-Hamid (the One Who is praised)

al-Hamid (the One Who is praised)
In His Person, Names, Attributes and Actions. He posseses the best of Names and the most perfect of Attributes coupled with the best and most complete actions, for indeed the Actions of Allah are bases upon grace and justice.
“Alif Laam, Raa. A Book which we have revealed to you that you might lead mankind out of darkness into the light by the leave of their Lord, the Almighty, Al-Hamid.” [Ibrahim 14:1]
“And indeed We bestowed upon Luqman wisdom saying, ‘Give thanks to Allaah,’ and whosoever gives thanks, he gives thanks for [the benefit] of his own self. And whoever is ungrateful then verily Allaah is All-Rich, Hamid.” [Luqman 31:12]

al-Basir (the All-Seeing)

al-Basir (the All-Seeing)
The one who sees all things even if they be insignificant and minute. He sees the black ant on a black stone in a black night. He sees what is below the seventh earth and what is above the seventh heaven. He is also Hearing and Seeing of those who deserve recompense, in accordance to the dictates of His wisdom.
“Say: Shall I inform you of the things far better than that. For the pious and God-fearing are Gardens with their Lord underneath which rivers flow. Remaining in them eternally, and pure wives, and the pleasure of Allaah. Allaah is the Baseer of His slaves.” [Aali Imran 3:15]
“Neither your relatives nor your children will benefit you on the Day of Resurrection. He will judge between you and Allaah is Baseer of what you do.” [Al-Mumtahinah 60:3]

as-Sami' (the All-Hearing)

as-Sami' (the All-Hearing)
The one who hears all sounds and voices, in all of thier different languages and all of their many various needs.
“Say: If they believe as you [O Prophet and Companions] believe then say they are rightly guided, but if they turn away then they are only entrenched in hostility. Allaah will suffice you against them and He is As-Samee’, the All-Knowing.” [Al-Baqarah 2:137]
“Allaah judges with truth while those whom they invoke besides Him cannot judge anything. Indeed Allaah is As-Samee’, the All-Seeing.” [Ghafir 40:20]

ar-Rahman (The All-Merciful) / ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful) / al-Barr (The Generous) / al Karim (the Kind) / al-Jawwad (The Bestower of Good) / ar-Rauf (the Kind) / al-Wahhab (The Bestower)

ar-Rahman (The All-Merciful)
ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful)
al-Barr (The Generous)
al Karim (the Kind)
al-Jawwad (The Bestower of Good)
ar-Rauf (the Kind)
al-Wahhab (The Bestower)

All of these Names are close in meaning and all of them point to describing the Lord with mercy, generosity and kindness. They point to the great expanse of His mercy and gifts that encompass all that is existence, being granted in accordance to the dictates of His wisdom. The believers have been specifically singled out for this and they are granted a goodly and the best portion of this as Allah said,“My mercy encompasses all things and I shall decree it for those who have taqwa.” [Al-A’raf 7:156] All blessings and the various aspects of benificence are from the effects of His mercy, generosity and kindness just as all beneficence in this world and in the Hereafter is from the effects of His Mercy.
“Ar-Rahmaan. He taught the Qur’aan and created mankind.” [Ar-Rahmaan 55:1-3] “Verily, we used to call on Him [Alone] before. Verily He is Al-Barr, Ar-Raheem.” [At-Tur 52:28]
“O Man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, Al-Kareem.” [Al-Infitar 82:6]
“And had it not been for the grace of Allaah and His Mercy on you, [Allaah would have hastened the Punishment]. And that Allaah is Ra’uf, Raheem.” [An-Nur 24:30]
“[They say]: Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us Mercy from You. Truly you are Al-Wahhaab.” [Aali Imran 3:8]

al-Hakim (the All-Wise)

al-Hakim (the All-Wise)
He is the one to whom belongs the highest wisdom, the one who is All-Wise in His creating and ordering, the one who made well everything that created, “And who is better than Allaah in judgement for a people who have firm faith?” [Al-Ma’idah 5:50] Therefore He has created nothing out of mere frivolity and He has ligislated nothing that is vain and of no use. He is the one to whom belongs judgement in the beginning and the end. He has three areas of ruling that nothing else has a share in: He rules over His servants with repect to His law, His decree and His recompense. Wisdom is to put something in its correct place.
“For those who believe not in the Hereafter is an evil description and for Allaah is the highest description. He is the Almighty, Al-Hakeem.” [An-Nahl 16:60]
“It is He who is the only deity in the heaven and on the earth. He is Al-Hakim, the All-Knowing.” [Az-Zukhruf 43:84]

as-Samad (The Self-Sufficient)

as-Samad (The Self-Sufficient)
He is the one upon whom the whole of creation relies with regards all their needs, predicaments and neccessities. This is due to His unrestricted perfection with regards to His Person, His Names, His Attributes and His Actions.
“Say: He is Allaah the One. Allaah As-Samad.” [Al-Ikhlas 112:1-2]

al-Wahid / al-Ahad (The One)

al-Ahad (The One)

He is the one who is singled out in all aspects of perfection such that nothing else shares with Him in these. It is obligatory upon the servants to single Him out alone in belief, saying and action by acknowledging His unrestricted perfection, His unique-ness and singling Him out alone for all types of worship.
“O two companions of the prison! Are many different lords better or Allaah, Al-Waahid, the Irresistible?” [Yusuf 12:39]
“Say: He is Allaah, Al-Ahad.” [Al-Ikhlas 114:1]

al-Malik (The King) / al- Maalik (The Master and Owner) / Alladhi lahu-l-Mulk (the One to Whom belongs the dominion)

al-Malik (The King)
al- Maalik (The Master and Owner)
Alladhi lahu-l-Mulk (the One to Whom belongs the dominion)

He is described with the Attribute of being the Master and Owner. These are Attributes describing His grandeur, glory and majesty, omnipotence and His governace and regulation of the affairs. He is the one who directs all of the affairs to do with the creation, command and recompense. To Him belongs the whole of creation, all of it is subservient to Him, owned by Him and in continuous need of Him.
“Then High exalted be Allaah, Al-Malik, The Truth. Do not be in haste with the Qur’aan before its revelation is completed to you and say, ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge’.” [Ta-Ha 20:114]
“Say: O Allaah! Maalik of the kingdom, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty from whom You will. You exalt whom You will and you humiliate whom You will. In your Hand is [all] good, indeed You have power over all things.” [Aali Imran 3:26]
“Alladhee Lahu-l-Mulk of the heavens and the earth! And Allaah is Witness over everything.” [Al-Buruj 85:9]


He is the one and only deity, the one who is worshipped and the one who deserves to be worshipped by the whole of His creation. This is due to the perfect and beautiful godly Attributes that He is described with.
"Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter . And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great." [Al-Baqarah (2):255]