Tuesday 10 May 2016

al-'Ali (the High) / al-A'la (the Most High)

al-'Ali (the High)
al-A'la (the Most High)

To Him belongs highness in all of its aspects, highness ogf His Person, highness of His Attributes and esteem, highness of strength and power. He is the one who has risen over His Throne and the one who has encompassed the dominion. He is the one in whom all the attributes of greatness, grandeur, magnificence and beauty find perfection and fulfilment.
"To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He is al- 'Ali the Exalted." [ash-Shura (42): 4]
"Glorify the name of your Lord, al-A'la." [al-A'la (87): 1]

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