Tuesday 10 May 2016

al-Jabbar (the Compeller)

al-Jabbar (the Compeller)
This includes the meaning of al-'Ali and al-A'la, the meaning of al-Qahhar, and the meaning of ar-Ra'uf. The one who kindly treats and cures dejected hearts, the one who strengthens the weak and impotent, the one who protects and shelters those who resort to Him and seek refuge with him
"He is Allah, other than whom none has the right to be worshipped. The King, the Holy, as-Salam, the Giver of Security, the ever-Watcher, the AlMighty, the Compeller (al Jabbar), the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! [High is He] above all that they associate as partners with Him." [al-Hashr(59): 23]

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