Tuesday 10 May 2016

al-Latif (the Most Subtle, the Kind)

al-Latif (the Most Subtle, the Kind)
The one whose knowledge encompasses all the secret and hidden matters, the one who is aware of all that is hidden [in the deepest depths of the heavens and the earth] and is awake of everything down to the most minute and finest detail. The one who is kind to his believing servants, guiding them to that which would benefit them and aid them via means that they are not aware, this is by his kindness and beneficence. It also carries the meaning of al-Khabir and ar-Ra'uf.
"No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He al-Latif, the All-Aware." [al-An'am (6): 103]
"Do you not see that Allah sends down the water from the sky and then the earth becomes green? Indeed Allah is Latif, the All-Aware." [al-Hajj (22): 63]

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